Has anybody else noticed unusual chemtrail activity recently? Being that much of the radiation from Monday’s solar flare was set to impact the Earth today, those who believe that chemtrails have something to do with Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering hopefully were looking to the sky. I would imagine that today would be perfect to spray substances which would reflect the large amounts of heat and radiation currently bombarding the planet. Surely enough upon glancing up above my university in upstate NY, I witnessed an unusual amount of chemtrails filling the skies.

I attempted to record them, however the scene was filmed with a cellphone camera so please pardon the quality and length. Additionally, I had only planned on showing friends the video. However, after receiving a call from a contact in Long Island, NY, who reported similar activity, I believe it is important that share my experience as it may have national or even global implications.

Have you witnessed chemtrail activity today, especially in excessive or unusual patterns? If so please share. Only together can we gather the clues necessary to solve this mystery.

For more information, an interesting piece from DC Bureau on GeoEngineering is at InfoWars.


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